Maryland Chess Association
Newcomb Memorial K-12
Sunday 16 March 2025
Hits : 261
Register here:
3rd Annual Newcomb Memorial Scholastic Championship
Executive Conference and Training Center
22685 Holiday Park Drive, Dulles, VA 20166
Sunday, March 16, 2025 at 10 am
- Four rounds. The first round begins promptly at 10 am. There are no scheduled round times. Rounds occur ASAP. The tournament should last roughly 4 hours (this is just an approximation--it could be shorter or longer).
- This tournament is US Chess rated, so an active US Chess membership is required. Click here to join the US Chess Federation for the first time or to renew an inactive membership:
- Four sections: K-12, K-8, K-5, and K-3
- Click here to view details about the 3-day long-time-control Newcomb Memorial Tournament:
- Note: The Newcomb Memorial Tournament (3 days long with a 2-day option) is for both adults and children, whereas The Newcomb Memorial Scholastic Championship (1-day event) is only open to scholastic players
- It is possible for kids to register for and play in both events--when registering leave a note that your child wants to do both events and we will issue bye(s) accordingly.
- Note: The Newcomb Memorial Tournament (3 days long with a 2-day option) is for both adults and children, whereas The Newcomb Memorial Scholastic Championship (1-day event) is only open to scholastic players
- Click here to view details about the 3-day long-time-control Newcomb Memorial Tournament:
- Trophies will be awarded to the top five finishers in each section (additional prizes for 1st place--see prize table below)
- Time control: Game in 25 minutes with a 5-second delay
- Entry fee: $35 by 2/7, $40 by 3/1, $45 by 3/15, and $50 on the day of the tournament (on-site registration closes 30 minutes before round 1)
- Boards and pieces will be provided for all players
- This tournament is US Chess rated--affects both regular and quick ratings (i.e. dual rated)
- PARKING INFORMATION: There is plenty of parking at the venue.
- Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Click here to show mail address with any questions
Hotel Accommodations:
Information regarding sleeping rooms will be posted soon.
How to Register
Register at this link: